Developing apps for iOS is done in a fairly standard yet unique way for each case. The process involves planning, research, and a clear focus. For an app to be successful, a number of steps need to be followed correctly during its development. Typically, the entire cycle consists of 7 steps.

Stages of Development

Planning and writing the Terms of Reference. Before getting down to work, it is necessary to know for what target audience an iOS-application will be developed, what problems it is to solve, and what functions will be required for the effective functioning of the program. Besides, it is necessary to carry out a complex research of the market, to understand whether the app will be competitive and in demand. This stage also includes the preparation of a technical specification for development.

Design and development. The next step is the prototyping and interface design – UX/UI. After the prototypes are agreed upon, the designer creates a visualization of the screens which the users will see on their mobile devices.

Front-end development. The user directly interacts with the external interface of the application, so at this stage the focus is on working with the different design elements. A well-designed interface allows the application to function effectively on screens with different characteristics and sizes. This allows it to display properly on both earlier iPhone versions and newer ones.

Back-end development. The initial development step, which is responsible for the functional iOS application. The stage includes server side development, specifically: authentication, functioning of user accounts, configuring the interaction with them, integration with social networks, push notifications, and much more.

API creation. An API or application programming interface links the internal and external interfaces of a mobile application. API is one of the most important elements for creating an iOS application.

Testing. After each stage of development the application is necessarily tested to make sure the application is fully functional without errors and crashes.

Launch and maintenance. Once testing is complete, the app can be published to the App Store. Adding it to the store does not mean that the work is complete. All software requires maintenance and support, as well as improving current features and adding new capabilities.